Welcome to Motivational Mondays, your weekly PEP (Proactive, Empowered, Performance,) talks with Mark Kent.
How has the contribution of conscious visualization and expressed affirmations worked in sustaining motivation and task completion?
Have you noticed the more conscious you are of visualizing your goals, seeing it in your mind, that you tend to be more driven to actualize it?
Also you may have noticed the power of stated affirmations in propelling you towards completing goals.
These effective tools have proven to enhance motivation and the more you practice them, the greater your chances are of staying on track and completing your tasks, whether large or small, complex or simple.
This week I would like to expand more on the power of language and how it can help you tune up your intentions and increase the probability of establishing closure on your endeavors.
We know that making plans can tilt the scale towards a desired goal but intent with passion, drive, discipline and commitment will always ensure the outcome.
Verbal expression: the types of words you use can play an important role in the determination; intent and ultimately how committed you will be in completing tasks.
Like every language there are strong, neutral and weak terminologies to express an intention.
You may not have thought of words in terms of strong or weak, but they are an important aspect of how we express ourselves and influence others.
Would you have thought what the weakest word in the English language might be?
I am sure it is open for debate, but from my perspective the word is" WHATEVER."
This word is open ended without resolution, direction or purpose.
Can you imagine promoting a project or task and trying to motivate others with the word "WHATEVER"?
How lame can it get?
Conversely I believe the strongest word in the English language is "UNTIL".
Think about it.” UNTIL" is resolute and totally conditional upon completing a task.
"I will stay focused "UNTIL" I finish the task.
We will work as a team "UNTIL" the project is finished.
The intentional use of words that promote direction, strong intention, drive and purpose are more likely to promote confidence, commitment and leadership towards an expressed goal.
Practice using words that are affirmative that project strength, fortitude and determination.
Become more conscious of the words you use. Strive to express your intentions through selective words that reflect strength, ambition and a willful desire towards completing a task.
Next week I will expand upon this concept and discuss further the power of words in promoting motivation and productivity.
If you have a colleague or friend that you believe would benefit and enjoy Motivational Mondays then just submit their email and they will automatically receive this information free, how awesome is that.
Also a new feature will be added to Motivational Mondays. If you have a question about motivation please submit it and I will select at least one per week with a thoughtful answer.
Once again thanks for the opportunity to serve you.
To your productivity, empowerment, and motivation.