Welcome to Motivational Mondays, your weekly (PEP) Proactive, Empowered, Performance talk by Mark Kent.
How was your week? Have you taken the time to reflect and ask questions that may enlighten your perspective and promote positive energy? (REFLECTION)
Positive energy can at times come to us, but to enhance this experience we must strive towards creating positive energies in our lives.
To improve moral, motivation, and productivity it is necessary to consciously design your life towards positive experiences.
Ever notice how easy it is to overcome obstacles and challenging tasks when you feel positive about yourself and the activities you are involved in?
This is where active REJUVENATION comes in, feeling good about yourself and projects you are involved in.
This can be achieved by initiating and promoting naturally empowered activities on a consistent basis.
The universe gives back the energy it is sent. This is a phenomena I call the Rippling Effect.
Think of dropping a pebble into the middle of a tub of water. The energy produced is transformed into ripples that permeate outward then rebound back towards its source, perhaps in a different form, but inevitably it comes back to us.
The universe gives back the energy it is sent. If you want more energy you must give it out. (Check Action First Principle, archives)
This requires a conscious effort, forethought, and introspection to maximize your energy potential.
If you can think of what you were naturally excited about when you were ten years of age. What were you drawn to? What was it that you looked forward to that brought a sense of excitement satisfaction and fulfillment?
Chances are those innate drives and desires still exist in some form today and any efforts you make to initiate like energies will create the Rebound Effect and promote rejuvenated energies in your life.
Rejuvenation from this perspective is not exclusively about pampering, retreats and pleasure, as much as pursuing activities that naturally instill excitement, fulfillment, satisfaction and a sense of connectedness.
This is what I call Dynamic Rejuvenation, where your natural interests and passions are recognized and pursued.
This process does not have to be a major initiative; in fact it often is the simpler, overlooked or ignored activities that can have a profound Rippling effect in promoting positive energies and Rejuvenating your life.
Perhaps you have compromised your natural passions that in the past really motivated you. Rejuvenating these energies can in turn rejuvenate you.
This will ramp up your energies, provide core inertia and empower you towards higher levels of productivity and motivation.
Next week I will discuss the next R of motivation, RESILIENCE.
This will be intriguing and informative, don't miss it.
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Once again thanks for the opportunity to serve you.
To your productivity, empowerment and motivation,
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