Welcome to Motivational Mondays, your weekly (PEP) Proactive, Empowered, Performance, talk with Mark Kent.
How has your week been? Have you become more aware of the words you use and how powerful they can be in promoting motivation and action?
As you know the focus of Motivational Mondays over the last few weeks has been on the power of expressed words and how they can improve motivation.
The language we use expresses our thoughts, emotions, desires, intents, motives and actions.
Language and the words we use, display our feelings, dreams and goals.
It is vital to recognize certain words can have a motivational impact upon our expression and the impressions those words form onto others.
During the last three weeks you learned how specific words can ramp up motivational drive, compared to other words which seem to convey similar messages but tend to be passive, non direct and ambivalent in their expressed intention i.e. getting around to it.
To help you utilize a greater conscious awareness of empowered words try to be SMART.
What I mean by S .M .A .R. T, is the words you use to describe an intent, goal or vision must be (S)-SPECIFIC, (M)-MEASURABLE, (A)- ACCOUNTABLE,
(S)-SPECIFIC- the words you use must describe in exact detail what your intentions are. The more explicit and focused you are in appealing to all the senses the more vivid your intentions become.
(M)-MEASURABLE- your objectives, plans and intentions must be measurable in time and space. Placing a time variable upon intentions helps put your plans into perspective and to gauge it's attainability.
For example, "I will study for my insurance exam 3-hours each evening from 6pm to 9pm, 5 days a week form Monday to Friday and pass it on Aug the 11th, has more power than saying I am trying to study for an exam to write sometime next month.
Stating specifically what your intent is and what you need to do to accomplish your goals, allows measurability on both time and task which ramps up your motivation to complete that task.
(A)- ACCOUNTABLE- the more specific you are in your aspired goals and the more explicit you are in expressing to others what it is you want to achieve, motivation increases as the probability you will complete your desired goals is enhanced.
(R)-REALISTIC/REASONABLE- there must be some element of reasonableness to your endeavours. To say for example that you will loose 50lbs in the next month is unrealistic and unreasonable.
Nothing can diminish motivation more than constantly failing to meet objectives just because they were unattainable from the onset.
Motivation and momentum synergize with each other, therefore it is better to set moderate yet attainable goals than to continuously fall short of much loftier aspirations.
(T)-TAILORED- your goals and aspirations should fit within your capabilities and passions.
Planning to achieve goals is much about tailoring your plans within the probability they will be achieved. The more you factor in the resources, time, support systems, level of commitment, discipline and sacrifice in achieving a particular goal the greater the chances of actualizing it.
To improve your motivation think S. M .A .R .T and you will improve your productivity and success in achieving your goals.
Next week I will discuss what I call the FOUR R'S of Motivation.
This is going to be stimulating, thought provoking and probably something you have not contemplated before.
If you have a colleague or friend you believe would enjoy and benefit from Motivational Mondays then just submit their email address to my site and they will receive this free information, how awesome is that.
Quote of the week: Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
Thanks for the opportunity to serve you.
To your empowerment. productivity and motivation.
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