Welcome to Motivational Mondays, your weekly (PEP) talk with Mark Kent.
Has your week been empowered by using language of intent, desire, commitment and direction?
You may notice your productivity is enhanced when you express words that convey determination, resolution and a desired goal in mind.
The more you express words with strong intent the more compelled you will become to follow through on your initial plans.
Another way to ramp up your motivation and productivity is to include a time reference, specific to your stated tasks.
You may notice that passive words are non-direct in intention (get around to it) but also lack a specific time reference. i.e., whatever, whenever, so, we will see, etc.
These terms are open-ended, lacking in direction, purpose, and are not time specific.
Utilizing strong words that convey a specific intention, goal or purpose associated with a time reference, places a higher level of accountability to that intention.
If you say for example, " I will paint the deck" without a time reference, it leaves that intention open ended and venerable to external and internal sabotage.
If you state "I will complete the deck by next Saturday”, then you are committed to task and time which enhances accountability and the probability you will complete the task.
It is important to be aware of the words you use to describe an intention and placing emphasis on specific time parameters can increase your motivation and productivity.
Practice associating time variables to your intentions and goals regardless of how simple or complex they may be.
Research on human behaviour and productivity has clearly demonstrated that when there is a time sensitivity associated to a desired outcome, motivation is improved to complete that task.
It is also important to place a REASONABLE time sensitive variable to your tasks and goals. This will be discussed in next weeks Motivational Mondays.
Until then practice communicating committed words of expression that emphasize strength, constitution, and direction. Apply these words with a specific time commitment and you will notice an improvement in your ability to ward off avoidance tendencies and a dramatic improvement in productivity and motivation.
If you have a colleague or a friend you believe would enjoy and benefit from Motivational Mondays then submit their email address and they will automatically receive this free information, how awesome is that.
Thanks for the opportunity to serve you.
To your empowerment, productivity and motivation.