Welcome to Motivational Mondays, your weekly (PEP) Proactive, Empowered Performance, talk with Mark Kent.
How was your week? Have you considered the importance of flexibility, in sustaining motivation in your life?
Have you made decisions based upon what is best as opposed to what is right?
Have you learned that developing a flexible time table enables you to look more positively at goals and future aspirations that may not have yet come to fruition, in your life?
This week I will discuss with you the fourth "R" of motivation and that is REWARD.
According to social scientists, there are just two types of rewards, (1) Intrinsic and (2) Extrinsic.
Intrinsic rewards are the most powerful in sustaining motivation as it is based upon internally generated drives, interests and passions.
Motivation is easy when we have a natural attraction towards something like a hobby, sport, or leisure pastime.
Most of us will spend countless hours and extreme effort to finish a book, train for a competition, do some gardening, and partake in other various interests that have intrinsic rewards for us by providing satisfaction and a sense of completion.
Intrinsic rewards are the most effective in maintaining motivation because they are internalized and not so dictated by external circumstances as Extrinsic rewards.
Nevertheless, we all have a basic need to be recognized for what we do and accomplish. Extrinsic rewards provide that recognition by way of gifts, awards, salary, and accolades from others.
Finding a balance between Intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards is the best way to maintain motivation in your life.
However it is important to stay in tune with passions and natural interests that evoke a sense of fulfillment, just because you naturally enjoy expressing yourself through that particular activity.
Unfortunately we live in a society that conditions us to be preoccupied with external rewards which can diminish and or conflict with our natural interests.
How many times have we given up a hobby or something we are naturally good at just because there wasn't enough time, or others around us did not value it?
Research on Intrinsic motivation has revealed that if you have a natural interest (intrinsic motivation) and then Extrinsic rewards are now attached to that activity, Intrinsic motivation and rewards losses its drive.
For example, if you really enjoyed reading books, but now someone pays you to read them, then at some time in the future no longer pays you to read, you will tend loose interest in that hobby and not read as much, if at all.
The expectation is now that you should be paid (extrinsic rewards) for reading therefore loosing your intrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic rewards are important in shaping and motivating behaviour, but for satisfaction, fulfillment, and sustained drive, it is necessary to maintain Intrinsic rewards in your life.
Positive energy is contagious and when you become aware of your natural interests and drives you will feel empowered and your motivation will improve dramatically.
It is also important to reward yourself for meeting personal objectives in life. Those who make a conscious effort to recognize and reward themselves for their endevours, usually have a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
If you feel that you are lacking in drive, zest and sense of wellbeing, review your life, reflect back upon what your natural interests were and recapture them in your life.
You will instill intrinsic rewards that will serve to enlighten you and provide positive motivation in your life.
Next week I will discuss the purpose of closure and how it impacts on motivation. Stay tuned - it will be very interesting.
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Once again thanks for the opportunity to serve you.
To your empowerment, productivity, and motivation
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