How was your week? Were you able to detect familiar patterns identified in the procrastination cycle?
These patterns are difficult to realize, as they subtly become habits over time and evolve into automatic habitual patterns that belies our ability to recognize and therefore change. Consequently patterns of procrastination can go unchecked and cause significant impairment in your productivity, self-esteem and overall sense of wellbeing.
Conversely if you can bring into focus and awareness the various patterns of procrastination then you can more easily identify specific habits within yourself that have caused you to be less productive and less empowered in your life.
Just as behaviour and subsequent habits are beyond our conscious awareness even more so are underlying thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that have a profound influence upon creating and perpetuating how we respond to life's challenges.
Thoughts elicit emotions and emotions evoke behaviours, therefore it is very difficult to change long-term habits without making some fundamental changes in our thoughts, values, and beliefs that are associated with specific habits.
The cycle of procrastination is perpetuated by underlying, deeply embedded and highly valued assumptions even though they often create self-destructive behaviours, frustration, and procrastination.
Here is a list of thought patterns that I call the Procrastinator's Code.
A) I must be perfect if not in all aspects at least in most.
B) Because I am right and good to others I am entitled to fairness, good things and positive outcomes at all times.
C) I should not be limited.
D) Everything is to be done right and perfect, or is not worth doing at all
E) It is better to do nothing than look like a fool and fail.
F) If I excel in some endevour then I must always excel.
H) I must be in control at all times.
I) Never express your true feelings, or vulnerabilities; it's a sign of weakness.
J) There is always a right and perfect way and it's necessary to wait until you find it.
On the surface these statements may not seem too destructive especially if you are able to realize you operate under some of these tenants.
However each statement has a significant influence upon forming and perpetuating the procrastinator's code as well as emotional and behavioural self-sabotage.
To improve your ability to overcome procrastination tendencies and stay motivated please consider these concepts.
1) Accept the fact that you have procrastination habits and tendencies (we all do) and be open to identifying what they are.
2) Become aware, there are usually specific and or a combination of beliefs, values and myths that are unconsciously driving your procrastination cycle. (Procrastinator's code)
3) Select a specific belief and practice taking a more flexible approach by challenging the belief and re-substituting a more rational, compassionate belief system that will allow for more flexibility, emotional economy and ultimately sustained motivation.
Next week I will talk to you about the Self Sabotage Code and how that perpetuates procrastination.
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Once again it has been a pleasure to serve you.
To your productivity, empowerment and motivation.